Here is the article from Bath and Parent Newspaper: The event, which took place on Wednesday 20 March, saw children across the four founding schools – Corsham Primary School, Queen’s Crescent School and Ivy Lane School in Chippenham, and Aloeric Primary in Melksham – simultaneously carrying out the same learning but based in their own localities. The projects produced by the pupils will be shared with the other schools in the Trust in order for the children to learn more about each other’s local communities. Among the topics assigned to different year groups were: The People Who Help Us; What Makes Our Town Special; and What Is Unique About Our School.
The children worked on the project using natural materials from their outside environment to create pictures, digital filming and editing to produce a short film about their school, mosaics based around features of their schools and portraits of each other in their own classes in the style of the artist Paul Klee.
“Today has been truly inspirational, seeing the children learning together across all the Pickwick Academy Trust schools at the same time and being a part of a wider community. The staff have been wonderful planning such a special day, I am so proud of everyone!” said Fiona Allen, CEO of the Pickwick Academy Trust.
Fiona added that Pickwick Learning Day are set to become an annual Trust event, with the theme changing annually. There are also plans for further collaborative opportunities including sports events, a science fair and opportunities for the pupils to visit each other’s schools as part of a peer review process.
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