As part of our commitment to supporting schools with their school development, we are engaged in the Education Development Trust-led School Partnership developmental peer review programme. The programme involves a series of reviews, carried out with partner schools from the Teaching School, and focuses on a school selected development priority.
Ivy Lane School’s review took place last week with a focus around enabling expected or better progress in boys’ writing. The review team carried out classroom visits, talked to pupils and teachers and looked at books.
The review team commented on the good relationships between pupils and staff, fantastic use of classroom environment and working walls to support learning, and the calm focused working atmosphere. Pupils are happy and confident. Writing has a high profile across the school.
Review feedback:
- Children motivated and want to achieve, demonstrated positive learning behaviours
- Talk partners/discussions taking place across the school
- Creative starting points being used as a hook to engage children effectively
- Learning is celebrated on classroom displays and around the school
- Grammar and reading lessons embedded
- Assessment frameworks in the front of books used well
- Presentation is of a high standard
- Written feedback is celebratory and gives areas to improve
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