It has been a busy term at Aloeric with lots of new changes and a few new faces. Our new Head of School has met with all staff and Governors and held a vision morning with parents to celebrate Aloeric's successes and identify how it could be developed in the future. The new fortnightly newsletter has been well received by the community and a smart modern, website is in the process of being developed, which will allow parents to keep even more informed about school life.
Aloeric's school premises have undergone some transformations too.The front entrance has had a much needed face lift and now has smart new doors and a welcoming lobby for visitors. One surprised child commented on the new fence paint and front door by saying" Have I come to the right school today? It looks so different!"
The groundsmen have also been busy tidying the school gardens, trimming back trees and tidying areas and the children are beginning to spot signs of Spring in our woodland area. A deep clean has freshened up some areas in the key stage two building and Miss Scott has some exciting plans to develop a new Key Stage 2 library, with funding support from the Friends.
As always the children have been delightful and have embraced these small changes. They themselves have been on some wonderful adventures, including a visit to SS Great Britain and our Year 5 classes performed brilliantly to a huge audience at the Wiltshire Dance Festival, held in Bath a few weeks ago. What a great show they put on!
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