Professional Development (CPD)

Professional Development (CPD)


  •   Early Career Framework:


SEND flyer


  • Targeted Leadership Programme for Middle and Emerging Leaders (new programme starting in Autumn 2025):

This is a leadership development programme for middle and emerging leaders to help them to provide support for sustainable improvement in their schools, to help them become experienced system leaders.

• To improve a key element in school, whatever their area of responsibility, resulting in a positive impact on pupil outcomes
• To provide opportunities for existing and emerging middle leaders to develop their leadership skills
• To develop an understanding of the wider educational landscape of system leadership

4 twilight training sessions over the academic year, held virtually - £300 per pair (£180 for one person from your school). To find out more, please see our flyer or contact


  •   Inspirational Leadership Talks

Our inspirational leadership talks are designed to stimulate thinking and discussion. Our speakers are from a variety of schools and organisations. We draw on their expertise, experience and insights into a particular area in these short 45-minute talks. We suggest that school leadership teams attend and then meet afterwards to discuss any thoughts and ideas they found interesting or would like to explore more for their own setting.

Each session is run online, via zoom, and is open to all leaders and their leadership teams. We also extend the invitation to include our participants of the Targeted Leadership Programme (TLP) for emerging and existing middle leaders.

These talks are free to attend for any of our Pickwick Academy Trust schools or Pickwick Learning wider network of schools.

To find out more, please see our flyer.  To book onto our Inspirational leadership talks, please contact


  • OTT SCITT Funded CPD Sessions

OTT SCITT (our Teacher training partners) are running CPD training sessions throughout this academic year. 

All sessions take place from 4pm - 5pm on Zoom and are free to attend.  Please see their flyer for details on all the courses, which are suitable for all staff, and how to register.


  • National Professional Qualifications:

The NPQ suite of courses is available through our Teaching School Hub. Teachers and leaders employed in some state funded schools are able to access full funding for the suite of NPQs.  All state schools are able to offer certain NPQs under current funding arrangements.

NPQLL - Leading Literacy

NPQLM - Leading Maths (fully funded)

NPQEY - Leading Early Years

NPQSEND - leading SEND (this is now the recommended qualification for those aspiring to be SENCOs and is fully funded).

National Professional Qualification for Leading Teacher Development: NPQLTD Supporting the training and development of others, including early career teachers.

National Professional Qualification for Leading Teaching:NPQLT Developing teachers who are subject leads or responsible for improving teaching practice in a subject or phase.

National Professional Qualification for Leading Behaviour and Culture:NPQBC Developing teachers who have responsibilities for leading behaviour and culture.

Senior Leadership:NPQSL for teachers or school leaders who are, or who are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities

Headship:NPQH for leaders who are, or who are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school. (The DfE is also introducing a targeted support package for teachers new to the role of headship).

Executive Leadership:NPQEL for leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, an executive headteacher or have a school trust CEO role with responsibility for leading several schools

Register your interest with the DfE here Register for a National Professional Qualification ( and contact us to find out more about the providers in our area


  • Professional Development for all ITT mentors: We are working with OTT SCITT to provide all our ITT mentors with training to support their role in their schools as they mentor our Associate Teachers.  There is funding available to support schools in ensuring their mentors are fully trained.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor and hosting an Associate Teacher in their initial training, please speak to your headteacher and then contact Louise Pitman-Jones.

  • We work closely to support the work of our curriculum hubs:

Information on the Ramsbury English Hub can be found:

Information on the Mobius Maths Hub can be found:

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