Professional Development (CPD)

Professional Development (CPD)
  • Early Career Framework:


SEND flyer


  • Targeted Leadership Programme for Middle and Emerging Leaders (new programme starting in Autumn 2024):

This is a leadership development programme for middle and emerging leaders to help them to provide support for sustainable improvement in their own and other schools, to help them become experienced system leaders.
• To improve a key element in school, whatever their area of responsibility, resulting in a positive impact on pupil outcomes
• To provide opportunities for existing and emerging middle leaders to develop their leadership skills
• To develop an understanding of the wider educational landscape of system leadership

4 twilight training sessions over the academic year, held virtually - £300 per pair (£180 for one person from your school). To find out more, please see our flyer or contact

To book onto our Inspirational leadership talks, please contact


  • National Professional Qualifications:

The NPQ suite of courses is available through our Teaching School Hub. Teachers and leaders employed in state funded schools are able to access a fully funded NPQ:

National Professional Qualification for Leading Teacher Development: NPQLTD Supporting the training and development of others, including early career teachers.

National Professional Qualification for Leading Teaching:NPQLT Developing teachers who are subject leads or responsible for improving teaching practice in a subject or phase.

National Professional Qualification for Leading Behaviour and Culture:NPQBC Developing teachers who have responsibilities for leading behaviour and culture.

Senior Leadership:NPQSL for teachers or school leaders who are, or who are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities

Headship:NPQH for leaders who are, or who are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school. (The DfE is also introducing a targeted support package for teachers new to the role of headship).

Executive Leadership:NPQEL for leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, an executive headteacher or have a school trust CEO role with responsibility for leading several schools

Register your interest with the DfE here Register for a National Professional Qualification ( and contact us to find out more about the providers in our area


  • Professional Development for all ITT mentors: We are working with North Wiltshire SCITT to provide all our ITT mentors with the opportunity to complete a mentoring and coaching programme of development at Level 1 or level 2. We will also be offering a chance to do an Instructional coaching programme and, for tutors, a leading exceptional CPD programme (again, both with NASBTT accreditation).

This is free to all our ITT mentors and tutors working with our Pickwick Learning trainees. Please contact more information.

  • We work closely to support the work of our curriculum hubs:

Information on the Ramsbury English Hub can be found:

Information on the Mobius Maths Hub can be found:

Pickwick Academy Trust © 2018